1·Carefully lift out the little gear and the electromagnet.
2·Let the concrete harden for about 3 hours, then carefully lift out the inner mold.
3·Brushing aside a wisp of cobwebs, he tilted the top box toward the light and began to carefully lift out one old photograph album after another.
4·Out on the museum floor, behind construction barriers, a beautifully lifelike leopard seal was being carefully hung from the ceiling with the help of a mechanical lift.
5·As the upper arm appears, lift the head carefully, watching for the rear shoulder to deliver.
6·As the upper arm appears, lift the head carefully, feeling for the rear shoulder to deliver.
7·Lift yourself off the floor by carefully shifting your center of gravity. Press your hands into the floor and slowly begin to rock your weight back, off your feet and onto your hands.
8·From now on I can no longer lift up his countenance the sky, no longer look down water, only the steps I have both carefully, I don't want a different step in the dirt, in deep footprints!
9·Then I dared to lift my camera carefully from my belly and estimate an Angle of a shot, and then I made several pictures across my head.
10·Complex aromas of dark berries and blackcurrant. There is a cedar lift provided from a wine carefully handled in French oak.